Getting Started

Install Haxe

If you have not already, install Haxe for your current platform. Lime supports Windows, macOS and Linux host platforms.

Install Lime

Next, open a command-prompt (Windows) or terminal (macOS/Linux) and run the following commands:

haxelib install lime
haxelib run lime setup

To confirm that Lime is installed and working properly, try running the “lime” command:


Install a Code Editor

We recommend Visual Studio Code, using the Lime Extension, but many other code editors are also compatible with Haxe development.

Run a Sample

Lime includes some simple sample projects to help you get started. For example, the “SimpleImage” sample illustrates an example of rendering graphics for multiple platforms and renderers:

lime create SimpleImage
cd SimpleImage
lime test html5
lime test html5 -Dcanvas
lime test html5 -Ddom
lime test neko
lime test neko -Dcairo
lime test flash

Lime will use a OpenGL-based renderer by default, but attempts to fallback to a software renderer (such as HTML5 canvas or Cairo) when it is unavailable.

Use Additional Platforms

Some platforms require some setup before they will work properly with Lime. After you confirm that things are running properly, you can try configuring a new platform:

lime setup windows
lime setup linux
lime setup mac
lime setup android
lime setup ios

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